We, the Key Stage One Staff, have made the decision that homework activities for the next few weeks for Primary 3, Primary 4 and Primary 4/5 classes will be Spelling/Phonics, Reading, Teach Your Monster to Read and Mathletics. Your child will be given the log in details for Teach your Monster and Mathletics to allow them to log in at home. Please keep this information safe.
We will send home Phonics/Spelling activity booklet for the next 6 weeks to reinforce the activities being carried out in school in relation to the sounds/words being taught. Please complete one set of activities for each sound/group of words per week. (sentences, lcwc, wordshapes or anagrams, wordsearch) These booklets are not to be returned to school.
Your child will be given a Reading book/library book on a Monday. This book remains at home until Friday morning. Most of the children in Year 4 and Year 4/5 class will complete an Accelerated Reading quiz on the book when they come into Class on a Friday morning. It is very important to return the books on Friday to allow us to quarantine them over the weekend and to return to the shelves for use the following week.
As the term progresses we hope to return to written activities which will be returned to school.
It is very important to encourage your child to complete the activities at home. We will be monitoring usage of the Teach Your Monster To Read and Mathletics from school. Both of the Apps are excellent ways to consolidate and enhance spelling and numeracy skills being taught in school.
If you have concerns regarding the activities set for your child, please contact the school and we will return your call as soon as we can.
Mrs Dunlop, Mrs Devlin, Miss Forbes and Mrs Mc Ilroy.
Key Stage 1 Teachers.