Numeracy: Problem Solving

This year problem solving, especially in numeracy, is a school wide focus in Tullygally PS and we have made a productive start. We are going to be learning different problem solving strategies that we can use to apply the skills that we have.

We recently bought the fun and engaging Izak9 Cubes. We have started to use these to explore mathematical concepts and develop our problem solving and teamwork skills. Our parents even came in to lend a hand with tasks 🙂

World Book Day

As you can see from the pictures lots of monsters, gangsta grannies and demon dentists braved the cold to have an excellent day of reading and other fun activities on World Book Day. Some of our parents came in and we read together and discussed stories. Aslan even made the journey from Narnia 😉

Christmas 2017

Each of us made and painted a clay palm Father Christmas. We also created our rustic trees using simple materials from the world around us. Both of these items proved to be very popular sellers at our Christmas Craft fair and open night, generating much needed funds for our school.

Topic: The Stone Age

The children have thoroughly enjoyed researching and learning about the stone age and life in early times. As you can see, this topic provided the perfect vehicle for connecting the learning. The children focused on the classic novel, ‘Stig of the Dump,’ and proceeded to write their own stories about meeting a stone age character and the adventures which ensued.

The children produced some fantastic cave paintings, even using sand to give that stone age feel. In groups, they designed and constructed their own Mesolithic huts which create a village in the P6 classroom.


A great day of fun was had by all during our Halloween fancy dress and disco day which was organised by the Friends of Tullygally.